In a world where the undead roam hungry for brains, a new craving emerges—tacos! Join a horde of ravenous zombies as they stumble upon the ultimate fiesta, devouring tacos with gusto. It's a hilarious clash of the living dead and Mexican cuisine in this uproarious tale of undead dining delight.
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they wanted to add some "bite" to their "un-dead-ly" diet!
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they heard they were "brain food," but they got a bit confused and ended up with "grain-free" tacos instead!
Why did the zombies start craving tacos?
Because they heard they were "finger-lickin' dead-licious"!
Why did the zombies switch from brains to tacos?
Because they realized that tacos are "dead-licious" and they're always hungry for a "bite" with a side of salsa-ntations!
Why did the zombies switch from brains to tacos?
Because they realized that tacos are "dead-licious" and they're always hungry for a "bite" with a side of salsa-ntations!
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they heard they were "finger-lickin' BRAAAAINS!"
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they heard they were "finger-lickin' brains!"
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they heard they were "finger-lickin' good" even without fingers!
Why don't zombies ever complain about their tacos being cold?
Because they're already dead inside! Plus, they like their tacos "brain-d" with extra guac!
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they heard it was the only way to "re-wrap" their appetite for brains!
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they heard they're "finger-lickin' undead-licious"!
Why don't zombies like eating tacos?
Because they're afraid they'll lose their "dead-ication" to brains! But if they do, they'll definitely have a "bite" to remember!
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they heard it was the only way to get some "braaains" with a side of "taco-verdose"!
Why did the zombie start eating tacos?
Because they heard it's the only way to get "braaaains" without losing their appetite!
Why did the zombies start devouring tacos?
Because they heard it was the best way to get "a-munch" needed protein for their "un-dead" appetites!
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they realized they were tired of "brrraaains" and wanted something with a little more "crunch" to it!
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they heard they could "taco 'bout brains" while they chow down!
Why don't zombies ever host taco parties?
Because they always "lose their heads" trying to decide whether to eat the tacos or the brains first!
Why don't zombies ever complain about their tacos?
Because they're dead-set on devouring them, no matter how "gory" the filling!
Why did the zombies open a taco stand?
Because they wanted to "taco-bout" their cravings! But be careful, their favorite filling is "brain" beef!
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they wanted something "braaaaains" and "tac-o-ver" their hunger!
Why don't zombies eat tacos?
Because they're afraid of getting jalapeño brains!
Why did the zombies start eating tacos?
Because they realized they could finally "taco 'bout brains" without it being a grave matter!